วันจันทร์ที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What Should I Put On My Christmas Wishlist?!?


Kay so i already have a lot of stuff on my wish list, but what else?

-Digital Camera




-New Pajamas

-Cute Pillows/Pillow Cases

-gift cards

-Bag (like pretty tote bag, or purse)

-Cute Locket

-Charm Bracelet

-Bedroom Decorations

-Cute Wallet

-Cute Lamp

-Cool Picture Frames

-Nail Polish


-Scrapbook/ Scrapbook kit


-New curtains


-Cute Clock

-Smelly Spray Stuff




-The Clique Books


-Lip Gloss



-Cool Knee High Socks

That's enough even for all your family (or at least I think so?)! It sounds like a lot so it's good, but what I don't see on the list are iPods and giftcards...:) So maybe you can add those things but iPods are slightly expensive (most). Good luck with your list and I think there is nothing more to be added. :)

Don't you think you have enough gifts their? I know it's christmas and all but have you any idea how much money your parents are racking up their just on that one 'wish list'.... pfft it's besdies me.

CD's and music stuff

Movie tickets

do you really need anything more?

hollister gift cards

don't ask for anything else

The kitchen sink.


Do you really need more?

