วันจันทร์ที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

On CTV news this evening there was an article that scientist are expecting that the west coast of?


washington/british columbia could experience a significant earthquake in the next two weeks . This is apparently a trend that they have been noticing for some time...after this 2 week period of increased possibility...we should be 'safe' again until April 2008. Does anyone know anything more about this......???

CTV.ca News Staff

Experts warn that British Columbia's southern coast has entered a two-week window of increased probability in which a major earthquake could occur.

While the chances of that happening are still very slim, such an event could trigger a tsunami equal to the size and the strength of what hit Sumatra in 2004.

Seismologists with B.C.'s Geological Survey of Canada made the announcement after measuring a series of minor tremors along the Cascadia Subduction Zone -- a long, sloping fault that stretches from northern California to Vancouver Island.

The zone, which separates the Juan de Fuca Plate and the North American Plate, has a very large fault area which can produce large earthquakes with a magnitude of 9.0 or greater if a rupture were to occur.

"Where the Juan de Fuca plate is subducting beneath the North American plate, and where those plates are touching, it's locked," earthquake seismologist Alison Bird told CTV.ca.

"To the east of that, every 14 months we see low frequency tremor activity ... sliding along that zone, which is almost directly beneath us," Bird told CTV.ca in a phone interview from the Geological Survey of Canada headquarters in Sidney, B.C., near Victoria.

"When that happens, we believe what it's doing is loading additional stress onto the locked zone. So if that locked zone happens to be close to critical, it could theoretically trigger a mega earthquake."

Bird and her colleagues noticed a phenomenon, called Episodic Tremor and Slip (ETS), occurs in the area about every 14 months -- each time adding stress to the fault line and increasing the likelihood of a major earthquake.

The seismologists started detecting strong ETS movement last Friday.

If a major quake should occur, said seismologist Gary Rogers: "You're looking at a big tsunami happening at the same time. The west coast of Vancouver Island, the Washington and Oregon coasts, are all vulnerable to a force powerful enough to certainly bring down buildings.

Rogers told CTV.ca that the area of the Cascadia Subduction Zone is comparable in size to the rupture zone of the Dec. 26, 2004 earthquake in the Pacific Ocean that triggered a devastating tsunami in the Sumatra-Andaman Islands.

Another comparable scenario, said Roberts, is the 1964 earthquake that struck Alaska.

"Most of the bigger, taller buildings and structures like bridges suffered some damage, whereas most of the small structures such as houses suffered hardly any damage. So there's an analogy which is probably what is going to happen in Vancouver, Seattle and Victoria."

While larger structures that were built a number of years ago are most vulnerable, continued Roberts, recently-built structures are better off, "because what we do is put this type of knowledge into building codes. Older, bigger structures are more vulnerable because they don't have the present day knowledge built into their design."

The last known great earthquake in the Pacific Northwest -- the Cascadia Earthquake -- struck in January, 1700. While such phenomena are infrequent -- with a cycle of every few hundred years -- the region is due for a big one.

The Geological Survey of Canada added for an average week, the chances of a mega thrust earthquake occurring is 0.0005 per cent (or 1/200,000); during a week of Episodic Tremor and Slip this increases to 0.026 per cent (or 1/4,000) -- a 50-fold increase.

"We are at a time when (a megathrust quake) could occur, but it could also be 100 years from now," Bird told CTV.ca, adding that it's never too soon to get organized and take precautions.

"What I encourage people to do is whenever we're about to have an ETS, it's a good time to use that as a trigger to go over your emergency plan with your family to make sure that your earthquake kit is full stocked," she said.

"Sometimes things get taken from earthquake kits to use for other things. So replenish the food and water and other equipment. It's just a good practice, a good reminder, like when the clocks change you check the battery in your smoke detector. For the west coast, you check your earthquake kit every 14 months."

Should B.C. escape the big one this time, the next window of higher earthquake risk will occur around April 2008.

Rogers said seismologists haven't figured out why the ETS phenomenon happens every 14 months in the Pacific Northwest.

"And interestingly enough it's 14 months fairly regularly here for the last decade as we looked back at our old records," he said. "But in Japan, it seems to be about one year; in New Zealand it appears to be about every few years; and Alaska every 18 months. We don't know if it's because of different subduction zones, or it's about where we are in the earthquake cycle."

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Wow u answered your own question.

