Encouragment and advice please!?
The only time "stop stressing, relax, and it will happen" applies is when you've had testing done and know for sure there isn't a problem.
Since it's been over a year, you are right in saying the next step is testing. There could be a problem that destressing, positive thinking, a balanced diet and plenty of exercise will not fix.
Start with the path of least resistance and get the sperm analysis for your husband first. Infertility is a 50/50 possibility. It's not always the woman and the cheapest and easist fix is the male. The sperm analysis is also a lot cheaper than some of the other tests women have to endure. So rule that out first.
If he checks out okay, then you need to be tested. Don't waste your time with a regular MD or GYN. Go straight to a fertility specialist who will cut to the chase and find out what's wrong. Trust me on this. MDs and GYNs have limited knowledge in this area and will sometimes spend months trying to figure out something that an RE (fertility specialist) can determine in 2 visits.
You could have a blocked tube. Regular periods and perfect sex timing won't fix that. My point is that some fertility issues don't have symptoms like irregular periods.
Get a referral for a reproductive endocrinologist (RE) and get started.
Good luck.
My best friend is 40 and she tried to conceive for 2 years...after that they went into fertility treatments.
It wasn't until a few months ago - that they gave up - destressed, went back to living their lives like before they started trying to conceive.
And sure enough - when they stopped trying so hard and ultimately stressing so much, the got pregnant. and have been for the last 5 months.
Now you defintely should consider getting some tests done to make sure you both have normal levels...
But i gotta tell you stress is probably the worse part of it all.
Have faith - and breathe....it'll happen.
I have not personally had this problem but a family member of mine did. Her and her husband went on vacation to get "away from their problem" as they referred to not being able to get pregnant, and low and behold 3 weeks after they got back she was at the doctor and they told her she was! The Doc said it was probably because while on vac. you normally get in a romantic, non-stressed mood and that sometimes that little bit of stress relief is all it takes. Good Luck to you hope you get the family you want!!!
I completely 100% agree with Rocker wife. Make an appointment with an RE. Have your husbands sperm tested. Do not waste your time with a regular doctor or OBGYN.
Do not be scared. There is no shame in taking action and being proactive. You have no control over what is going on inside of your body. You do have it in your control to seek out help to figure out and correct the problem (if there is one).
The don't think about it advice is bad advice.
I wish you the best of luck.
It took me 6mos to conceive #1 and 10mos to conceive #2 and do you know when it happened? As soon as I quit thinking about it and decided to start an exercise/diet plan.... BOTH TIMES. I shifted my focus and bam!! I know that's not what you want to hear but that is my experience, other than that I have nothing else for you but baby dust and lots of luck!!
If you have the money go get tested. If there's a small problem and you catch it fast you'll feel much better. And if you don't have the money there are lots of ways to test yourselves at home. I recommend a book called "how to get pregnant" I can't remember the author but it's a great read! Good luck I'm sure you'll be holding your baby in your arms soon! And don't worry about the trying so hard, it has nothing to do with it. In fact imagining getting pregnant and having a baby is actually a really good exercise for getting pregnant. Hang in there nothing is impossible!
I know that this is going to be hard to hear, but if you just stop trying and just havr fun with it, it will happen faster then if you are trying every month.
Just have sex every other day or so for the whole month and try not to think about ttc, I know that it is hard to not have it in the back of your mind every time that you have sex but you need to just have fun with it. It will happen. It took me 18 months to conceive #2.
Make sure to try and have sex before bed that way the swimmers can stay in you all night and it makes it easier for them to travel up!!
Good luck and lots of baby dust to you and me and everyone ttc.