วันจันทร์ที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

AHH!! please help me with a mamma cat issue!?


so my cat moomoo had 2 babies early this morning, and i got home home maybe 2 hours ago. im afraid that my mom and i from touching one of the babies shes neglecting it! please any advice? heres how shes neglecting it: they were happily down in my basement then about 5 o clock she only brought up one kit, not the other. she went underneath my bed with the one kit and so my mom went downstairs and brought up the other kit and put it under the bed, she didnt grab it or even try to look at it, just kept on nursing the other one that she brought up herself. do we need to do anything? is moomoo going to kill this baby? please help me and my family. thankyou so much in advance!

Cats do not generally "reject" a kitten just because someone has touched it. She may have only moved the one, because she may have more kittens that she hasn't had yet, and she wanted to have them in a different area. She may not nurse it if you are around. Also, a mother cat has an instinct about which of her young will survive (although they can be wrong). Some cats will abandon their young that they "know" will not survive, so that they can focus on the ones that will. You should leave her alone for another 1-2 hours. If she still hasn't taken care of the kitten, you will have to intervene. What you will need to do then is to go to your local pet store, and purchase KMR (Kitten Milk Replacement), and a bottle. The kitten will need to be fed about every 2 hours. It will also need to be kept warm, like on a heating pad. But, you have to be careful not to get it too warm, because they can burn easily. You want to hold the kitten upright when giving it it's bottle. You want to make the tiniest hole possible in the nipple, so that it doesn't get the milk into its lungs. It will only need a small amount of milk each time. If it spits out the bottle, don't force it to eat. Try it again shortly after. If you are uncomfortable with doing this, you should contact your local animal shelter/control, and see if they have someone who could foster it.

baby kittens that age will die quite quickly if they don't eat so call the vet and tell them and maybe they can tell you what to feed this kitten in a little tiny bottle they have them in the pet store,but don't wait because i didn't do anything and i put the kitten near mom and she just moved it away.sometimes there is something wrong with the baby or the mother doesn't have enough milk to feed the both of them,so she'll keep the strongest one.

Nah, you saved her the walk. Just put the other kitten up to her. If she does kill it. It's because something is wrong with it. But I doubt it.

If she no longer takes care of the kitten.. she will probalby not kill it..but if she will not feed the kitten.. take the kitten into the vet and you can probably bottle feed them so she will live

Under the bed isn't a very good place for mom and her kittens. You need to fix her a box, lined with towels, and put it in your closet, or somewhere else that's "cozy". Some place where you can "glance" at them and know how they're doing, without actually picking them up.

If the mom doesn't start taking care of the one your mom brought up from basement, it COULD be that she instinctively knows that something is WRONG with that kitten. In that case, she won't kill it, she just won't take care of it, and it won't survive.

If a few hours go by, and she still hasn't accepted that kitten, take it to the vet for a checkup. The vet will be able to tell you if there's something wrong with it, and you can decide what to do from there.

Be sure that wherever you move the kittens / mom, that it's nice and warm. Cold is the #1 killer of kittens.

Good luck with your babies.

The momma cat would have most likely gone and got the 2nd baby after cleaning up the first one. Sometimes if theres alot of noise around or people bothering the babies the momma cat will move them kittens to a location she likes best, and she will sometimes move only one kitten and leave the rest for awhile, but she goes back and gets them. If this one is a runt and has something wrong with it the momma cat will probably not take care of it, sometimes they will smother it or not feed it saving her milk for the ones who will survive, but the baby needs to nurse off her momma for the first day if nothing else, we tried saving a baby kitten where the momma was having it in the laundry room, shes wild an she got scaced when someone was walking into the room so she dropped it and ran, she never came back for it, still in the sac, so we had no choice but to clean it up and try and save it, we fed it, for about a week or two but it wasnt getting much bigger, very cute little kitten , it seemed like it was getting sick so we took it to the vet and he said when the baby doesnt get the momma's first milk it doesnt get the antibodies, it cant make its own. He gave us antibiotics and said its up to mother nature whether its lives or not, well mother nature decided it wasnt that baby kittens time on earth cause it died a days later. so if the momma wont nurse it dont try bottling feeding it yourself, take it to an animal rescue so they can get it to a momma cat who is a sub momma. word has avaded my mind but you know what I mean! wait and see but if the momma cat wont take care of it after a few hours I would check with someone. good luck

