My fish tank burst - did I do the right thing?
The most important thing is that you correctly used the existing water, and tried to keep it the same temperature. This minimizes adaption shock damage to the fish. Fish can adapt somewhat to new conditions and they are fairly good at adapting to different or smaller spaces. Fish are less able to adapt to changing water conditions (water quality, hardness or software, bacterial level) and temperature. Try to make all water changes gradual.
A small amount of gravel will be useful, but this can wait until you get the new tank. Your fish are less aggressive ones; I don't anticipate any problems.
They should be fine for a short period just hurry and get a bigger tank this week.
you should not leave them in that small tank for to long it. it is a shock to them to have all that room from the 29 gal than to be put into a teeny tiny 10 gal tank.
Maybe add some hiding-type places too, just to keep them from fighting - like empty containers with access holes. But otherwise I think you did totally right!
First, it seems like you really care about your fish..kudos! Second, it seems like you know exactly what you are doing. Don't worry about the cichlid, he will come around!