วันอังคารที่ 12 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

I'm a male thinking of getting a face wax. What are pros/cons and are there any good home kits out there?


Why I want to do it:

Shaving every day is extremely annoying.

I can never get a really close shave, no matter how hard I try, the mustache area always has a "5 o'clock shadow" (even with the new fancy gilette razor, and even worse with electric ones).

my skin is sensitive and I get some acne in shaving areas, so shaving often causes cuts and irritation even if I am extremely careful.

I could use the extra 20 minutes of sleep in the morning!

Men and facial waxing don't really mix well. It can be ok if your hair is fine and thin, but most male hair is thicker and coarser than a woman's.

Some beauticians won't wax men's faces because they risk breaking the skin and causing bleeding. Not to mention possibly pulling wrong and damaging the skin.

Definitely don't try it yourself. It will be much easier going to someone.

Besides waxing is not permanent. You'll probably have to do it every couple of months.

Consider electrolysis or laser hair removal.

My boyfriend wanted to get his face waxed before we went on vacation and the salon would not do it because male hair is much thicker and corser then womens hair and waxing it can be difficult and cause problems.

DO NOT DO A HOME KIT. I've tried them and they are a hot, sticky, dangerous and painful mess. You may end up with hard wax on your face and no courage to pull it off!

Waxings really aren't that expensive. Pony up the cash and have a professional do it, for Gawdsake!

None of the home kits work. They don't get hot enough in the microwave i think.. Just go to a salon.. Do it right before the weekend though incase you have an allergic reactin to the wax.. Happened to my mom. :(


but i shave like 4 days a week

it kinda gets annoying =/

In short, waxing is a not a suitable treatment for male facial hair. The hair on men's faces is much coarser than on any other part of the body including the pubic area.

I'm a regular male waxee and very used to the pain and discomfort of waxing and I enjoy the results but I wouldn't consider facial waxing for a minute.

Stick to shaving. If you're not going to be out in public or going anywhere where your appearance matters, just don't bother shaving on that day so that he skin of your face gets a rest. When you do shave, use a hypoallergenic shaving gel like Edge Sensitive or Edge Extra-sensitive. If that brand is not available where you are, don't just go to a supermarket shelf, go to a pharmacy/drugstore and ask the pharmacist's advice for an alternative. Combine that with a razor WITHOUT a lubricating strip as I found that I reacted to whatever's in that strip.

If you have a special event coming up, treat yourself to a professional shave at a traditional barber.

All the best.

