Where can i find a simple clock kit?
if you mean actually puting the mechanism together i don't know but if you mean fitting the whole thing together & making the face 'home bargains' had some for less than £10 or you could get a really cheap clock from tesco (about £2) and take the mechanism off then be creative with making the face (you could also do this and try puting it back together if that was what you were after - it's cheap!!!) x
I had one with a plastic case and brass movement I just gave away...
Was one of the creative playthings kits from the late 1960's
Edmund Scientific has one with brightly colored plastic gears, but i think that isn't really what you are after...
You can also order the plans for a wooden gear clock and fabricate it completely yourself.
(I wouldn't have the patience)
Check your local hobby shops, Hobby Lobby is a large retailer in the midwest, or your local clock shops may have a simple a clock kit. Good luck and Goddess Bless.
hobby craft, they might have one.
why don't u google clock making. i'll bet it turns up some interesting sites
Maplins ??
Hobby Craft or an online retailer would be the best. also if you know a bit about it then buy a cheap clock and try taking it apart and putting it back together to get yourself acquainted to the functions of each part.